SoulJoy Foundation Background


The SoulJoy Foundation is a Trust established in 2023 with a Not-for-Profit objective to provide accommodation to relatives of patients visiting Karanda Mission Hospital. Karanda Mission Hospital is an Evangelical Alliance Mission located in a rural area of Mt. Darwin district, 200km north of Harare in Mashonaland Central in Zimbabwe. With a local catchment population of around 10,000 people, the hospital has become renowned for its quality medical services, attracting patients from across the country. It boasts 152 beds for inpatients, 55 Nursing Students, 3,500-4,000 surgeries (major and minor) annually, 2000 deliveries annually, and 200-300 outpatients daily.

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Karanda Mission Hospital sees a high number of patients. There is limited housing within Karanda for relatives who visit the hospital with their patients. Unfortunately, most families cannot afford the cost of even the minimum night room rent from nearby shops. As a result, they are often left with no other option but to sleep out in open spaces around the hospital. In order to address this issue, SoulJoy Foundation would like to provide an intervention in the form of accommodation, food, and entertainment to relatives of patients admitted at Karanda Mission Hospital. This would offer them a descent shelter and basic necessities while they support their sick loved ones. SoulJoy Foundation hopes to make a positive difference in the lives of patients and their relatives who accompany them by ensuring that they have comfortable and accessible place to stay away from home.